“Absense makes the heart grow fonder”
This is what I really wonder:
When by absence out of sight,
all suspicion is at might
Rumours grow and gossip run
killing all the absence fun.
Work from home and you’re forgotten
or you are considered rotten.
“deceptive is appearence”
Even though it gives you clearance,
none of what you say and do
may be accurate and true.
You may sound like you’re in knowledge,
like you learned it all at college.
But the business bullshit rules,
fooling only other fools.
“faith will move a mountain”
letting joy spray like a fountain.
Trusting people lets them do
what they can be able to.
Out of trust, you build a bond;
strong and long these can be found
in the modern leadership.
This is just a simple tip.
“All that glitters is not gold”
says the poor man, growing old.
You may trust and be betrayed,
see those leave who should have stayed.
Gold will come in many molds,
knowing this should make you bold.
Simple isn’t life’s condition,
therefore you will need a vision.
“Of two evils choose the less”
No, that leads to no progress!
You must try to be more free
of this thought fatality,
spreading friendship, trust, and love,
rather than the boxing glove.
Life is not a big disorder,
therefore: go and cross that border!
“It’s the first step that is hard”
- but it isn’t! Just be smart!
Start by letting life take place,
give your colleagues lots of space.
Do whatever you can do,
let the others do with you
what they feel is right for them,
and you have revealed a gem.