As you may have read already, in the post Life Thoughts, I have now started publishing premium contents on A Rich Life.
Hopefully, you will like the new series of Life Thoughts, and I will later add more premium contents.
This whole thing is starting out softly, so there will still be a lot of contents that is available for all subscribers, and additionally, some of the premium contents will be made available for the non-paying subscribers as well, either immediately or after a while.
Getting started offer!
In order to get this new thing up and running, I am offering a paid, yearly subscription with 50% off — for life! 1
When making use of this offer, you will additionally be entitled to gift a yearly, paid subscription to a friend for one year, at no cost to neither you nor your friend.
The offer is available for all existing free subscribers as well as new subscribers.
To make it clear, the price on offer is then $30, for which you get a full year of access to all premium contents – plus a one-year subscription to give away.
That’s effectively $15 per year for each subscription, against the normal price of $60 for each subscription.
The offer is valid until the end of 2024. You can use this button to get it:
Please note: In order to get the free gift subscription, please follow these steps:
First buy your paid subscription,
then ask your friend to sign up for a free subscription,
and then contact me, telling me the email address that you used for signing up, plus the email address that your friend used for signing up;
I will then upgrade your friend’s subscription to a paid subscription for a year.
This procedure is to make sure that your friend knows what is going on and is signing up at their own free will (and I need the email addresses, as these are the only information I have about subscribers.)
You can contact me by using the Inidox contact form at — just put a couple of words in the message field to tell the details.
Founding members
For now, there are no founding members and I have not introduced any special contents for those, so they will have access to the same as with a premium membership (which, currently, means all contents).
Also, there is no special offer on founding memberships, as these by Substack are meant as a way to give a little extra, if you can and wish.
The price is free for you to choose, as long as it is higher than the regular premium price.
Rest assure, that as soon as founding member subscriptions start ticking in, I will make it worthwhile for you and arrange special contents that will give you something in return for your trust and support.
Members with limited means
I am not greedy, and if you would like to read all contents but cannot find the means for buying a premium subscription, please feel free to reach out (use the above-mentioned contact form), and I will happily do what I can to help.
Granting a complimentary premium subscription to good people who need this will be my pleasure and honour, so please don’t feel ashamed for asking.
The subscriptions will renew yearly, and for you, it will be at 50% off, for your friend, it will be at full price. A subscription can be ended at any time: please make sure to end it before the renewal date if you don’t want to pay for another year. The same counts for your friend.