What is Fictitious Scripts
Capturing a corner of an unseen, unheard of, and so far unknown universe
Too many facts. And they are mostly fake. Mostly misguiding you.
Too much scientific thinking. And it is mostly wrong. Mostly betraying you.
Too little real in the reality, too little true in the truth.
Make a shift, make a world, make it real, make it yours.
Fictitious is the new fact
Make it up to make it better. Don’t fake the truth, create a story that is purely yours, true in its inventiveness, trustworthy in its faithfulness to itself, it’s connectedness and integrity. All what facts are not.
Poetry is the new science
Emotions, the voice of the soul, mental interconnectedness. Poetry offers an alternative to physical and factual, an alternative to explainable and provable. Poetry is pure mind, pure emotion, pure you.
Scripting, scribbling, and scrabbling
Words appear from nowhere, assemble themselves in your mind to all sorts of new meanings, building your universe or depicting a spot, a line, or a hint of it.
You write, you try to follow the stream of words and meanings and depictions. Try to interpret it all and make it human readable, communicative, attractive.
A pen is great for this. It is slow but permanent. You must concentrate to do it right, cannot allow distractions, must get it right the first time. Scripting by hand gives you the manuscript.
To do it right, you want to scribble notes in a notebook, or on the back of old paper that didn’t become what you wanted, didn’t depict the right spots or hints. The back is now a place for treasures, thoughts, and doodles.
Fixing the beauty of it all, making words come nicely after each other, flowing with a tranquil rhythm, a sudden stop! and another stream of flowing words and meanings.
Flow is fragile, words are flexible. Scrabbling the letters and digging the dictionary, taming the thesaurus, and bingeing the book of proverbs all takes the fragility to a fresh turn, a flight in space with winged rhythms.
Preparing and publishing
The poem lands and looks at you, excited, expecting, emotional. You pet it a bit and comb a comma, pinch a point, and you nurture its words and prune it here, add to it there, bring in the bits for a perfected read.
The prose may be read, put away, rest a while, to reveal extra aspects and complexities. A plot can be founded and prepared, a clue can be tightened and repaired. The flow and the rhythm, the said and the unsaid.
And then, you have it! The script for the thing to be published. A last read and check, a small fix was needed, but now — send it off to a place that will give it a basis, a platform, a solid foundation for finding its reader.
Fictitious Scripts is the place
The space to use for the various stories, the wonderous stories, the well-doing stories. The poems of thought, love and feelings, the fiction to bring in the glimpse of a world that could be and would be more interesting.
In this space the universe is your own, as you want it and shape it. Don’t drag in the bad from the fake world outside, let your delve and dive into what is supplied and build up for yourself all your views, all you want to see.
When you said, "Don't drag in the bad from the fake world outside," (I don't know how to quote here. Is it the restack option?) it made me think of the huge surge of books about pandemics that we had during and after the COVID pandemic. I get that it's a way for people to process, but fiction is such a sacred space for me that it clashes in my brain.
Do you know (you probably do) that your brain actually functions differently when you write by hand?