My mom was part of one of those book clubs you mentioned! She got a book a month in the mail or something like that. Sometimes there were classics, but there was also a huge sci-fi boom in that time.

If we follow your train of thought, " It is said that every technology is reaching its high just before it disappears from the market, being replaced by new technology." Is social media about to go down?

I love this new series!

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Thank you, and interesting to hear about your mother's book club. Do you have any of these books around? Have you read them?

I have also been a member of several, briefly, and my parents were members during many years of one that sent several books each month. They were collecting large amounts of books, all kinds, over the years, and later they have then given away many of them - I guess that most of these books were never read; we simply got many more than we could consume. And exactly many of these books, from hundreds of thousands of similar families, are now ending up in the garbage containers.

About social media, then yes, that is what I believe. I don't find these to be at any kind of high just now, but they have entered a path where they no longer care much about the user experience, so users will sooner or later start leaving (which is happening already for some of the platforms - the social media themselves are full of comments from all kinds of people about which other platforms they have left).

I wonder what will come instead of the current social media. We have sort of burned all bridges behind us when moving in that direction, so we will miss most of the previous ways of communicating when the social media are gone. Maybe we will again start meeting by the pond in the center of the village? Or in the street cafés, should we happen to live in a city?

Something will come, since we are social beings and cannot live without communicating.

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My mom has some of them, yes. I read a couple of classics there and some sci-fi pieces. Back when Kindle wasn't a thing I grabbed everything readable I could find. I really hope you are right about social media, though I'd have to fly to Denmark to learn how the Neighbors series ended 😜

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Well, if Substack is also to be seen as social media and will also vanish, then we will need to publish stories some other way. And with everything becoming restricted on the Internet, maybe there will be a day in the future when stories cannot be told at all using it?

We need science fiction to help us here, I guess - there must be some sci-fi writers who have considered this along the way...

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I'm sure someone has considered it. Or you might need to implement a postal mail newsletter.

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Postal - that would actually be nice. I miss the days where we would get a letter now and then, and perhaps even a newsletter - on paper. Unfortunately, the postal services are now as miserable in many countries as the social media, so a rebuild of them may be needed. Currently, it would be extremely expensive to send out such a letter from where I live, even though some other countries may offer the stamps for less.

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I know. The postal service is a mess here, too. The only things we get in the postal mail are bills. It was really nice to get a letter every once in a while.

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