Inventing Beauty
All the raw materials are everywhere around us - just add genious :)

The Writer’s 365 Best Topics for this Year
Seeking motivation and something to write about? Here it is — right in front of your nose!

Pick a thread of the day, weave a fabric of it with your worries, dreams, confusion, doubt, hope, love, hate — and squeeze in all the trouble that you see lying around, all your half-done projects and unfinished songs.
Start the weave of your brain, sew a coat or a scarf or find whatever tools you prefer to knit some socks or fluff some stuffing.
Use all the gears in your head for putting everything inside and outside of you to work in your stories, your poems, and your empty spaces; between-the-lines — the important non-tellings that form the aura around your tellings.
Empty Days
Perfect days! If nothing happens, you can wonder why it doesn’t. You can wonder what could have happened, or what happened that made something else not happen. You can wonder. And wondering brings wonders.
Sad Days
Tears are really made by muses showering… beautiful muses, but clumsy, spraying fragments of their imaginary life all over, leaving nothing to your imagination — you just have to observe and make notes!
Happy Days
A laugh and a smile will stay for a while, guide your pen and your style, carve a sculpture of joy out of seemingly nothing, leaving the silhouette for the future as a memory of emotions, the rest as a whole to fall in at times while suddenly finding yourself intertwingled with the sculpture, the silhuet, and the memory. Put it into words for others to smile with you, to expand the memory, sculpture new shapes of multiple happy joys in pleased minds.

Rainy Days
Every drip is a poem, every splash a vision, every sound plays your strings for a writing mission. Zooming in close or observing from afar makes a different experience and will both bring the star to your mind and your eyes, and your brain — to hand out by your fingers to expose and sustain.
Days of Thunder
Ever wondered why you felt so small and fragile when the elements were roaring and booming and flashing? Good, keep that wondering in mind and write it down, mix it with all your half and full conclusions on all the puzzles life ever gave you, and you have a brain salad to serve for your audience.

Lazy Days
It is strange, isn’t it, that you have days full of energy and days without? Where did the energy go — traveling out of your body to discover until now unseen parts of the universe? Hiding in a corner of your brain, giggling a bit whenever you almost find it, playing hide and seek for the game of it but also to keep you alert? Expanding vastly across endless surfaces of time-space and hardly showing any curves but still being the same, good old energy waves of yours, just reshaped for your amusement?
Liquid Days
When you listen to that gorgeous music of Philip Glass and cannot think of anything else than hundreds of dimensions mixed and matched for your convenience; a small voice of your own would wants to bring a textual perspective to this, sneaking in yet another dimension as a compound inner space of yours, now covered with the liquid shadows of the tones and bringing lights and shadows to the surface in a pattern never seen or felt before.

If the year brings you 365 days, how many nights will you experience? If you are not wasting them by sleeping them away, that is! Nights of writing, nights of watching horror movies, nights of being together. Lonely nights, nights of drinking, partying, crying, worrying. Nights are a world of its own. Every night is a universe of its own. Every night is a story.
Dusks and Dawns
Right there, at the border — where light and shadow meet or separate, where a universe gets dissolved and another appears. Right there happens magic, trolls appear, fairies whisper, ghosts blow cold winds and steal your memories.

365 Days
It is all there, in front of you, behind you, all around you and inside you. It is your soul and inspiration, it is your past and future — it is the year in which you are, in which you exist and from which you will get inspired. By opening your eyes, your ears, your heart, and your imagination.
And you will write about whatever you see and add whatever you do not see but wish had been there. You will write the world into understanding and forgetting, accepting and regretting. You will blow the evaporating steams of the muse’s shower over the paper to fill the gaps of nothing with the something that is you.
Even that odd day of not writing holds a fairy tale to be told the next day. It works as a soul amplifier, an echo chamber, a megaphone for your longer thoughts, slower considerations, and complex story structures.
The Year
Is yours to grab. Yours to use. Yours to create.
Music is the key to your soul
Wintergatan is a beautiful concept, all around. It is about making something nice out of something else that is also nice - amazing inventions, carefully crafted to produce music that is friendly to your ears and your heart.
No matter if you are mostly a fan of the ingenious steampunk technology or the wonderful music, they will never let you down.
Time to unlock that soul!
Love these creative ideas.
I found this useful book list too:
It Is so interesting inspired to read this. It reminds me of the author Crescent Dragonwagon whose blog Is called " Nothing is wasted on the writer "