That happens to me every time I go on vacation. It's apparently a thing— the vacation blues. The same thing happens to honeymooners or people who are, for example, training for a triathlon. Once a certain goal is met and you need to face mundane, everyday problems, everything goes back. But you made an important point: even if everything is the same, including us (which I question, I think we are hardly ever the same), we need those spaces to recharge.

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There was someone mentioning to me a thing that I knew but didn't understand until I heard it said aloud: that a sanatorium is much like a holiday hotel. You go there and feel well for a while, but you are not being cured - your life is not being changed, only a moment of it. You are lifted up to a better state of living for a period.

So, I thought about what it takes to repair life itself, not just the moment. This bit of text and its suggested solution was my first idea. Let's see if I can think of more.

We do need the recharges, but we should perhaps think of them as just one element of a bigger plan to adjust our way of living - to a point where we don't need recharges. We probably cannot do it alone, because then we had already done it. We need the assistance of others.

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I think more and more of us are realizing we need radical social changes to change individual lives. I can do all the yoga, meditation, and what have you, but my anxiety regarding the state of the world will remain there until the state of the world changes. This is something that bothers me so much about the "self-care" trend. Self-care is awesome, but no amount of self-care can fix some issues and oppressions that are just part of the bigger picture.

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That sounds right! The world needs to function if we should be able to function in it.

But sometimes, ignorance is a bliss. We know about all kinds of big and small problems around the globe - problems we really cannot influence and which even may be told to us wrongly by a press that values “the good story” higher than the full and honest story.

It scares us and makes us feel helpless, as we cannot fix these problems. Like if there’s a hole in the roof and we have no ladder - we can only see our lives deteriorate by the rain soaking everything we value.

But accepting that much it this wrong and effectively exists only in our minds should be one big step towards a better life.

So, that functioning world is really the one we decide to focus on while leaving out the imagined problems.

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Yeah. That's why I don't read the news. I have no influence over it, and it only makes me anxious. But a part of me also knows that knowledge is power. It's a weird balance act, my friend.

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Weird indeed! And knowledge of wrong and useless information isn't power, so no need to cry over the missing news. Better keep an eye on those people in the castle instead, they may know some truths about life ;)

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