I remember back when I was a teen, I felt like everything was a definitive moment. Every party I missed would ruin my life. I don't miss that intensity at all, though there's purpose and drive in youth. But I can relate to Peter's niece. Spreading ourselves too thin, pleasing everyone, often leads to burnout. It's so hard to ask for help; it's even harder to say no, but it's crucial.

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It takes more or less a full life to learn how the future works – and then we can only think back on what we should have done instead of what we did, because we have only few opportunities for changing the future by then. At that time, some become bitter, others try to help the younger ones get a life without the same mistakes.

When the younger ones by a rare occasion actually listen to this, they may learn faster. You have learned, it seems, so you can better do good things going forward – better than all of us who didn't learn when we were young. We, who believed that the world was setting good goals for us when, in fact, it was just exploiting us.

Peter's niece has a chance, if she and Anna's granddaughter can get along. She is young and probably easier to listen to, as the two speak more of the same language. Let's hope for the best!

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